Selasa, 30 Mei 2017

Importn of Education

Education is the most important factor for the development of human civilization. Education provides the nation with man powers, promotes national unity and uplifts public awareness. A cpuntry need deferent kids of of man powers such as doctors, enginers, teachers, administrative offcials,economics, judges and other technical hands. education provide the nation with those educated hands. If people are educated,they can understand their duties and rights.

In order to uplifts human society, each should be capble to understand others. If people can understand each other, they will beunited, This educationcan promopte  national unity.In order to uplifts the degree awereness of the society, education plays a prime role, it makes will people conscious. 

They will not follow the old dead and evil tradition. Educated people can reform the society. They can understand what is wrong and what is right. They can save good traditions. Education profoundly enhances human prosperity.

Senin, 29 Mei 2017

how to reach success in seven simple tips

Do you want to be succes people...?? always read many books or motivation word, but it can't be success. Do you want the easy ways to be success..?? If you answer is yes, you are the right people who come to the roght place

in this article i will give you step  to bring you to be success in your life and carrier
i believe this seventh ways is very easy to do.don't you be worry or pessimest. as long as you are serious doing it, you eill be success in young age or on the contrary. let's we begin with some aspects accoirding to the successful that we must now.

what is success..?? i believe all people wants to be success with the succesful we can make happy ourself, family, parent, pathner, or our friends. so, waht is success..?? honestly, many people said that success people is the people who have many property and wealth. many people also said that a success people is officeial of famous people. they are not wrong, why..?? because they define the success according to its indicator. based on me, the defenition of success is can reach what we want. waht we want can be idea, target, for example, if you want to be a doctor, so you continue your study in medical fasility and graduated to be a doctor, its mean you have been success. believe or not, the basic for succeses is hard skill and soft skill. so, what is seven ways for succes..?? here are :

1. believe that you will be a success.
2. set target.
3. create a plan of action
4. action
5. do review
6. follow up
7. grateful/ success

from the seven ways give before, i believe your are include  of success people, so lets try it

The future of Iphoen with the Real Graduated we must know

This time Iphone is one of smartphone like by the lover of gadged on the world. The price is not cheap, but the quality is very good, related with the price. Before you buy Iphone, I think you should understand abuot the feature of Iphone, especeally about the guaranted, you must know which one the best guaranted you need. it will make you can't be created or wrong to buy because you don't understand about this 

For real guaranted in indonesia we have SES, TAM and TRIKOMSEL, The price of is very expensive, because if the phone it broken the process of claim can be help easily by iBox

from now, don't be easy to cheat with the word "formal"Actually formal guaranted will by same to distributor guaranted. sending proccess to abroad will need a long time and also other process that very complicated, sometime it is needed adding eoses.

Of course you think that Iphone which has formal guaranted will be given by apple to company or distributor in its country. for Apple formal distributor in indonesiawill be given the guaranted for especially time, for pure Apple if you want get the Iphone which has formal guaranted , it is the best to search formal Apple shop or outhorized reselher in indonesia.
But you have to know the feature first, Although it is not confrim from Apple, must of us think that the letter "S"  give a sign "security" when Iphone 5s intoduce finger sensor homed touch ID.

Sabtu, 13 Mei 2017

Build up strong and prestigious team work

An old aphorism said that, "United we stand, divided we fall." This aphorism has inspired a song sung by Bondan prakoso and Fade Black, by lyric : Kau yang disana, yang berjiwa lemah, mendekat padaku, raih tanganku, karena kudisini pantang menyerah, bersatu kita kuat, bersama kita hebat dan tak terkalahkan

This song has inspired many tunagers from rural to urban area, together to make a change. make our this song has also inspired many people in motivating theirself. Not only listen a speech form famous motivator but, there are many other ways to do to make us strong, great and never lose. One of the wayis working together in a team.

So, a big question is, can we do taht why not.? we won't be lose from the ant right..??
We all know already taht team work is the key to success in most realsom of life and business. only through team work can we combine different, complementary points of view to identify and seize hidden  synergy opportunities, overcome, difficult obstacles and achieve challenging objectives.

However, teamwork is a challenge in and of itselt. it requires taht people manage their egos, develop humility, communicate effectively, resolve conflicts and above all, commit to one another  and to a common goal. Anyone who has worked on a team knows that the only way to do so succesfully is by assesing oneself honestly and becoming the best person one can be. In this regard, Not only does teamwork increase performance, it also promots the devolopment of better citizens and societis

So, to be strong and prestigious, let we do everithing in team work, let we forget our egos in gathering something and tnink that by team work we can achieve our goals