Senin, 10 Juli 2017

Fear of Public speaking

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Do you have a fear of public speaking..?? I would guess that if you are reading this, you probably do
for the longest time, I had the come fear. It's actually not that uncommon. In fct, vorious studies have shown that the fear of speaking in public is ranked higher than the fear of death. In the other words, some people would rahter die tahn have to speak in public. This may sound a bit extreme to amny of you but if you get nervous and sweat like crazy just at the taught of speaking in front of a group of people, then you can probably see that it's somewaht understantable at least at the moment

I will remember when I made the first time standing in front of my friends. I fell that I will be die afraid of public speaking, My legs would get weak, my mouth would tremble as I would begin to utter the first few words. I would sway back and forth or do some awkward thing with my hands. I would avoid eye contact at all cost unless I find someone with a smiling face, than I would just stare at that person for the whole speech.

Have you experience thre things..??
it is not exactly the best experience to have is it..?? fortunately, there is a ways to overcome fear of public speaking. Just to give you my experience. I went from what I described above too one day being able to confidently get up in front of an audience. I'm sure there ate plety of ways of overcoming things fear but what I will describe is what worked for me.

Below are some ways how to overcome fearing in public speaking
1. Understanding the course of the fear
2. Change your mindset
3. Practice

from there ways above I believe you will be greatly reduce the fearing and will give good impact for you. Good Luck

Sabtu, 08 Juli 2017

Tips on Dealing with Sress

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Dealing with stress us something that almost all of us have to go through. stress isn't always a bad thing though. it can sometimes help you to take the necessary course if action. However, in this article, I'm going to talk about the bad type of stress.the one that gives you headaches and causes you to become agitated enough to yell at a stranger or to come home and kick your cat. I will also give you some tips to help you reduce stress.

So, what causes stress..?? it can be a lot if things such as too much demand at work. dealing with work stress can causes your days to go by really slow. Not only that, it can follow you home and cause you to get into argument with your spouse. since stress can cause all kinds of damage both mentally and physically, it is in your best interest to learn how to deal with it.
One way to deal with it is to ask yourself."What can I do at this very instant to make this situation better..??" some people get stressed when they are stuck in traffic. This can be solued by realizing that there's nothing you can do to make the situation any better.

There are lots of other ways if managing stress like getting a massage, doing, yoga, meditation, exercise, squeezing a stess ball, and even having sex. There are ton of other things you can do as well but there are mostly ways to get rid of tress that you already have. when you get used to only stressing over things that you can actually do something about at the moment you will prevent a lot of the things that used to cause you stess from even happening.

since your stress levels will reduce dramatically, you can them use any of those other techniques to get rid of any remaining stress in the work place at home, just remember that there is no point in stressing over things that you can't do anything to change. focus only on things you can change and you will free yourself from pointless stress.

The advantages of jogging

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Have you ever done jogging..??
of course you have. As we know jogging is the easist way for us if we want to stay healthy.
before I tell you some advantages  of jogging, Let I intrduce about jogging.
what is jogging..? jogging is a term used refer to running, or trotting, at a leisurely place. probably, most  of you recognize me that people who want to be a runner must do jogging every day. However, I don't want to discuss about it in this article, I want to tell you special aim about the advantages of jogging.
As a runner, jogging has to be part of your life. However, what is the essence and relevance of joggimg to a university student like us and who as no intention of becoming a runner..?? One definition of jogging by experts, is running at a speed lower than 6 miles per hour. 
This is a speed that can be sustained by an individual for a long time. for the sake of improving one's health the speed of jogging does not really matter. what matters is that the individual does it continuosly. Only then can it be helpful to the body. to start with jogging creates a wonderful cardiosascular workout